Monday, September 3, 2012


 Jyoti committed suicide. No one really knows why. She hanged herself on Friday evening; never lived to see September 2012.
Jyoti: captured at Hops n' Grains Pkl. (the last time we all went out).

 She was the only person outside my family who supported my wife and I in the final days of the turmoil. She wasn't sure of Anu's decision and wary like the rest of her close ones but she was the only one, who despite that, stepped forward and believed her and through her, believed in me as well.

 She lost her loving mother around two years ago. At that time she was very strong. She wanted to help her dad and brother tide over the situation by being there for them. She loved her family including her elder sister who's married.

 I will personally miss her a lot. I was looking forward to see her do well in life. She had plans, plans of moving to Delhi and get her life back on track without troubling her near and dear ones. She wanted to take up physiotherapy once again, which she'd traded for work at an IT company coz she got too bored of mending broken people.

 Jyoti, the vivacious girl of 24. I'll miss you and be forever grateful for standing by me and my wife when our blood relations were vehemently opposed to us. She had no conceit and I always sensed that she was genuinely concerned about Anu's well being. After our marriage, everyone became alright with us but Jyoti still has that special place in my heart which is above the rest of them. She was always  unpretentious.

 It is because of people like her that I still believe in the existence of good human beings and it is because of the person that she was that this loss is so great and has left a void in our hearts. Jyoti, you didn't have to leave so soon but that you have, I pray for peace for you and for the one's you've left behind, which includes us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love u jyoti. Wherever you are, i hope u are at peace and miss us as much as we all miss you each and every day of our lives :)
